Megan Butz Legacy of Hope

Grant Application

At the Megan Butz Legacy of Hope, our mission is to strengthen the lives of at-risk youth and young adults so they may navigate the path to adulthood via mental health programming and support. We will support programs that tackle challenging issues like depression, anxiety, mental health and suicide.

For the current 2024 grant cycle, we are open to reviewing grants from organizations in the Greater Chicago area. Submissions will be made online. If you have inquiries on the process, please email [email protected].

The following parameters will apply:

  • Must be services aimed specifically at mental health support for anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention for youth through young adults.
  • Must be a community, state or federal based organization with 501c3 status
  • Will be available for phone or on-site interviews as necessary during grant review period.
  • Will have a detailed plan for how to disperse funds within a 12-month timeframe following grant disbursement. (The timeline of completion for related projects within the grant can reach up to 2 years following grant disbursement.)

Any questions? Contact us at [email protected]

THE 2024 GRANT CYCLE IS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR SUBMISSIONS. Information and deadlines for 2024 grant applications will be posted here. You can send any questions to [email protected]
